“A spark was lit and I knew it was time to begin my journey to my dream job of teaching. Since 2001, I have been working hard toward that goal at West Kentucky Community and Technical College,” Adams said. That hard work is one reason she was recently named the WKCTC November Student of the Month.
“I have earned five certificates in the childhood development field during my time at WKCTC, said 51 year-old Adams, who is also currently working toward completing an associate’s degree. “Being selected as Student of the Month is such an honor. It’s been hard trying to maintain a 4.0, working a fulltime job and volunteering. I am proud that my hard work is being recognized; it makes me feel like it’s all paying off.”
Adams participates in numerous activities on and off campus. Now an Instructional Assistant at Paducah Head Start, she dedicates her time to the children, families and colleagues. She is also an active in her church and volunteers with various organizations within the community including the Red Hat Society, Paducah Day Nursery, Paducah Ambassadors and the West Kentucky Alumni Association. On campus, Adams serves as a student ambassador, a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and is an active member and mentor in the Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education (IECE) Student Group.
IECE Program Coordinator Greta Henry said Adams is an exceptional student and is an inspiration to her and many others.
“Barbara shares her inspirational life as a person with abilities despite the diagnosis of being legally blind. She guides the students through strategies to include all children in an early childhood classroom setting and shows how inclusion can lead to a strong, successful childhood and adult life,” said Henry. “She is a true leader as a mentor, role model and makes everyone smile with her sense of humor!”
Adams is on track to complete an associate in applied science degree in IECE at WKCTC in spring 2017. She plans to transfer to the University of Kentucky to earn a bachelor’s degree online in special education.
“Every credential I’ve earned here at West Kentucky has benefitted me. I am so excited at the thought of completing my degree and moving forward in my education and career.”
The Student of the Month program is designed to recognize the accomplishments of students on campus. Individuals selected must be currently enrolled at WKCTC and have maintained a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher and are nominated on the basis of exceptional performance, personal attributes, academic excellence and active participation in various student organizational activities.
Student of the Month recipients receive $100, a certificate of excellence, recognition on the WKCTC Facebook page, campus announcements and Web site. Recipients are also recognized by Pepsi MidAmerica and receive one free month's supply of their favorite Pepsi product.